Well it has crept up again! Where has the year gone, if anyone finds it please let me know!!
It is a really busy time here with lots going on! We had our Christmas Party on Sunday with lots of amazing food. A big thank you to Nicky, Debbie and of course me!! resonsible for the sausage rolls and Coffee cake yummy and also to Glenys for her Hazelnut Meringue and Stephen for the Chocolate Brownies and of course a big thank you to Mirandas Music who played all the favourite Christmas Songs as well as to everybody who came it was lovely to see everyone looking so smart and great Christmas Jumpers.
Yesterday we had the local playgroup come in and sing for us, they were superb very well behaved with beautiful voices and an appitite for chocolate biscuits.
Please remember you are always welcome to come and join in any of the activities the monthly list is always just inside the front door on the wall.
We do have a new security system in place so you will now have to ring the bell and wait to be admitted, we are sorry if it takes a while to answer the door, but sometimes the staff are busy with a resident so please be patient.
Please remember if you have any concerns about anything just let us know and it will be dealt with quickly, if we don’t know we can’t do anything about it!
Please have a very Merry Christmas and a great New Year from everyone at Saltmarsh House.