VE day May 2020

Well VE day has come and gone, and we managed to have a lovely celebration with lots of memories and laughter, even though we were very few. We painted banners to hang on the walls curtesy of Creative Mojo and with the help of residents and staff. We had lots of bunting and flags everywhere and it looked lovely with our rainbow banner and Rainbow bunting. We had a lovely lunch of Fish and Chips and the memories just flowed, most of the residents were 13/15 at the end of the war and were laughing at the memories that stayed with them and where they were at that time. We talked about rationing and growing vegetables and keeping chickens, as well as the role of the Royal Family through out the war years. I think we all learned something new! In the afternoon we had Music with Miranda as she had very kindly made us a CD with all her songs on.

We are all managing very well and have adapted to the different ways of working, but boy do we all need a Hairdresser!!!

Stay safe.